
Thursday 20 December 2012

Points of Importance for a Teacher-Librarian 
ETL503  Teacher –Librarian role is one that requires flexibility in every aspect of the role.  No 2 days or weeks are ever going to be the same but then is that not true of life in general?  Working and collaborating with others all need to accept that the library collection is constantly developing and is never going to be ‘just right’.  I understand and relate to the terminology differences in Kennedy (2006, p. 4) of collection and acquisition.  You acquire then manage.
As a specialization, collection management- and writing a policy document- demands not only professional knowledge of the processes of selecting and acquiring, but diplomatic skills in weeding, budgeting, evaluating and dealing with challenges to the collection.  (Wall & Ryan, 2010, p. 12) suggest that a TL is so many including learners, resource guides as well as agents of change.  They need to have knowledge of educational theory and practice and be in tune with their community of users as well as having a good knowledge about the curriculum. 

Accountability as in all aspects of life is paramount and accountability in this role is further discussed in  (Kennedy, 2006, p. 11) and relates to all aspects regarding the collection in their library.  In making those decisions they are required to show professionalism (Kennedy, p. 17) in terms of their understanding of the needs of their teaching and learning community (Hughes-Hassall & Mancall, 2008, p. 33; Wall & Ryan, 2010, p. 9, to have knowledge of the curriculum, be willing to collaborate with other staff members, setting clear goals regarding the library collection and the purposes and aims it will achieve. 

Sunday 4 November 2012

Great Educational Links:
Reflection is therapeutic (it is said) and I agree and I am currently reflecting upon my experience as a student in ETL402 and ETL504.  Note to self:  Not all are created equal.

The Role of  Children’s Fiction Enhancing the Curriculum through Literary Learning
Literary learning could be defined as a set of skills allowing enriched engagement in society.  This includes the many language forms that assist in making meaning of literature types and the acceptance and value of this role in society. Thinking and emotions are connected with expression of language, which is itself a key aspect of our heritage.  Students learn and become involved in their individual learning once they become aware of this relevance to their own learning.  So, all teachers need to promote the importance of literacy as being fundamental to all areas of the curriculum (Todd 2010) and the future of learning (Loertscher 2012).  It is the development of competence that strengthens skills as associated grammar, and spelling fundamentals add to growth and life long learning skills gained by the student.


Preparing for Change

A personal approach (Roach 2009; Hall 2011; Khoboli 2012)as provided by the CBAM model will assist all learners involved in the development and integration of the new program into the current curriculum.
The CBAM model is based on many years of research considered to be robust and empirically grounded (Anderson 1997) and has been used extensively in school environments and is reported that new practices alone are not often incorporated as part of the classroom structure (Hall 2011).  Having this knowledge provides essential knowledge for planning new programs into a school.  Thus this will be a part of the total process when staff involved in the change process are introduced to the CBAM model and used in the implementation and setting up of (AR)
As there will be a range of teacher abilities within the group the decision was made to start at the very bottom of the learning tree and introduce the CBAM approach as to why literacy could be a great addition to our current literacy programs.  Included here will be reference to the research that strongly supports the fact that boys are visual learners and are very competitive in their modus operandi.  Being a visual based program as well as allowing quick escalation of points within the structure are both components of the program.
Underpinning CBAM model are several assumptions as discussed in the literature (Anderson 1997; Newhouse 2001; Christou 2004; Hollingshead 2009). 
These assumptions deal with change as being:
·           Is a process, not just an event
·           Can be accomplished by individuals
·            Is a highly personal process
·            Involves a growth in feelings and skills
·            Can be facilitated buy direct interventions to the individual.
        Interesting article by:
        Work by Fullan Essential Read

Planning, implementing and evaluation are the key points that require consideration when change is being considered.  Change knowledge is vital to best facilitate educational reform.  Sharing processes of change with all members of staff involved allows ownership of the desired reform.  A leader is required to facilitate change and a leader who is not visionary will not be able to manage effectively the future of schools.  
      Discussion of the Fullan Article
      The eight points of consideration in the Fullan article (Fullan, 2005) provide simple explicit guidelines, while realistically reminding us of the complexity of the change processes. 

·          engaging people’s moral purpose,
·           building capacity,
·          understanding the change process,
·          developing cultures for learning,
·          developing cultures of evaluation,
·          focusing on leadership for change,
·          fostering coherence making, and
·          cultivating tri-level development.

    Understanding the core concepts as they are articulated provides structure and process. As Fullan states, “only knowing-by-doing, reflecting,and re-doing will move us forward”.

     Fullan and his colleagues point out that change, while a work in progress, will always be an ongoing process.  Schools are constantly changing environments and are subject to many changes for a variety of reasons.  Importantly, then increasing awareness of the core concepts responsible for modelling change greatly improves the chances of success.
    Leaders at any level need to have a well defined style of management and should articulate clearly their expectations of others involved in change, and should inspire others to follow (Fullan 2010; Allison 2011; Hall 2011).  Meaningful change processes need involvement and interaction at many differing levels and all stakeholders need to take on responsibility. This is engagement – or the ‘buy-in’.  From the viewpoint of a middle level leader the following points for consideration need to be addressed in regard to educational change.


Saturday 13 October 2012

Great Links

Diigo site at where is a video which explains what diigo is and how it works. There are also videos available on Youtube which would also assist in your learning.